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Questions to Ask (CANCER)

4 years back, me and my friend decieded to go ThaiLand, for a business trip. We went to Islamabad-Pakistan, Embassy of ThaiLand and got visas. After two days we come back to out hometown Lahore-Pakistan. My friend Ameen Gujjar said that he had to manage his shop (hand over to a reliable person, so that his running expense for house keep on going in his absence.) He was running a business of CDs. I said ok, and decided that we will go ThaiLand after 20 days. I had been waiting and waiting but those 20 days never ened. niether the day of journey come. I went to my friend's home and found that he is dead, Shocked..............
I came to know that he was suffering from CANCER and never diganozed ever by any doctor... unfortunate,......
He faced death within 15 days.
May Allah keep his soul in peace................ (Aameen)
I went to one of my friends who was doctor. I told him all scenario and asked him how it can be possible of that kind of sudden death in Cancer.
He axplained me so much.

I am extracting the conversation, as one should (patient) ask doctor to explain anything and everything you don’t understand. Prepare questions in advance of appointments (to reduce stress and the odds of forgetting any)—and bring a notebook to jot down answers and other important info.

Below are some questions you should ask:

q What causes this type of cancer?
q What are the risk factors? If it’s genetic, are other family members at risk?
q What lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, rest) do you recommend?
q What are my treatment options?
q Are there activities that should be avoided because they might trigger or exacerbate symptoms?
q What happens if new symptoms crop up or existing ones worsen?
q What medical tests or procedures are necessary? How often?
q What stage is my cancer? What does that mean?
q What is my overall prognosis or chance of recovery?
q What are the average survival and cure rates?
q Could my disease go into remission?
q What is the recommended treatment?
q H ow often will I have to undergo treatment—and for how long?
q What are the potential side effects?
q What are the benefits versus the risks of each treatment option?
q Are there alternative therapies? What are they?
q What are the expected results of treatment?
q Is the treatment painful? If so, is there a way to make it more bearable?
q How long is the recovery? Will it require a hospital stay?
q When can I resume my normal activity (if it’s been curtailed)?
q Has my cancer spread? If so, how does this change treatment decisions?
q Am I eligible for any clinical trials?
q What happens if my disease progresses while I’m in a clinical trial?
q Who foots the bills if I participate in a clinical trial?
q Where can I find emotional, psychological and spiritual support?
q Whom should I call with questions or concerns after office hours?
q May I contact you or a nurse if I have questions or more symptoms?

(If the answer is “no,” find another doctor.)


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